Hari ni ada 2,3 org kawan yg aku jumpa ada bgtau psl blog yg aku wat semlm.Mereka tanya la mane aku dpt sume info tu?Aku bgtau la yg aku byk baca tulisan dlm blog2 yg ada dlm internet serta dlm akhbar2 secara online.
Nampaknya ada antara mereka yg tak puas hati dengan ape yg aku coretkn dalm blog aku.Kata mereka aku ni anti-kerajaan memerintah,buat fitnah,buat tuduhan,sokong pembangkang dan sbgnya.Terkulat2 juga la nk jawap mcmana.Lgpon xsangka la ada jugak yg baca tulisan aku.Mungkin sebab letak link dalam frenster hari tu,so dapat la mereka baca blog aku.
Bukan ada niat nk tujukan blog pada kerajaan ataupon sesape.Tu cuma pandangan diri lepas baca blog2 yg ada.Bukannya atas dasar nk menghina kerajaan atau individu tertentu.Mungkin benar susah untuk kita tegakkan kebenaran dan membuka mata mereka2 yg telah ditipu oleh anasir2 yg ingin melihat bumi bertuah ini porak peranda.
Meminjam kata2 saudara rockybru,
saya anti-korupsi,anti-perkauman,anti-perang,anti-apartheid,anti-penderaan kanak2,anti-jenayah,anti-pengintip,anti-peniru,
saya bukan ANTI- KERAJAAN,saya juga bukan PRO-KERAJAAN,saya menyokong kerajaan yg efisyen dan telus dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka.saya menyokong kerajaan yg membasmi isu korupsi,isu perkauman,isu perang,isu apartheid,penderaan kanak2, dan berbagai isu lg.
apa yg saya coretkan di sini hanyalah pendapat yg ada dalam benak fikiran saya.sy mohon maaf andainya ada yg terasa dgn ape yg saya tuliskan di blog.saya suka pada keamanan,tu saja yg dapat sy bgtau.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Bukan anti-Kerajaan
di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 20:22 1 orang memberikan pendapat
Realiti lwn Fantasi
aku adalah pendatang baru dlm bidang penulisan blog.terpanggil utk menyertai angkatan bloggers united setelah membaca blog seorang senior aku,nickname reriki.banyak benda yg tidak aku ketahui telah aku ketahui setelah membabitkan diri dalam bidang membaca blog.setelah itu aku turut membaca blog2 hasil coretan oleh bloggers yang lain.sesetengah perkara yg tercatat dlm blog masing2 kadang2 tidak diketahui umum,mungkin telah ditapis terlebih dahulu sebelum dicetak atau disiarkn.
semuanya bermula apabila ada tajuk akhbar yg mengatakan bahawa penulis blog di internet adalah tidak kebal dari segi undang2.kes yg menarik perhatian aku adalah kes yg melibatkan saudara rockbru.seorang bekas wartawan di the malay mail serta the sunday mail(btolkan aku kalo tersilap).kisah dia disaman oleh pihak NSTP milik kerajaan menarik perhatian org ramai serta ramai penulis2 blog yg lain.dengan itu tertubuhnya bloggers united-no fear.kes saudara rockybru akn disambung pendengarannya pada 2 april untuk kes saman ke atas beliau oleh pihak NSTP.maafkan aku kerana terlupa sebab-musabab dia disaman.
blog2 lain yg aku byk baca antaranya rantingsbyMM,sang kelembai,3540 jalan sudin,screenshots,the scribe a kadir jasin,malaysia today dan byk lg.kebanyakannya berunsur politik.mungkin agak tidak sesuai bg aku yg masih bergelar seorang pelajar di IPTA.namun sebagai pelajar,aku rasa aku perlu tahu akn arus pergerakan politik di negara sndr.mungkin akn ada org kata aku sepatutnya tumpukan perhatian terhadap pelajaran.memang betul,kerana itu tanggungjawab aku sebagai pelajar.namun aku juga berhak tahu ape yg berlaku di dalam negara khususnya dan luar negara amnya.sekurang2nya aku tahu akn keadaan di tanah air sendiri serta di seluruh dunia.
sebagai generasi lepas merdeka,zaman aku menyaksikan era kepimpinan dua perdana menteri iaitu Tun Dr Mahathir Muhammad serta AAB sebagai yg terbaru,walopon sudah lebey 3 taun dia berkuasa.dalam kebanyakan blog yg aku baca,pada awalnya seolah2 tidak dapat diterima akal dan hampir tidak percaya pada setiap baris ayat yg dicoret di dalamnya.mungkin mata aku dikaburi dgn informasi2 yg telah ditapis oleh pihak2 tertentu sebelum dicetak dan disiarkan di media cetak atau elektronik.byk sekali perkara2 yg melibatkan kes2 berprofil tinggi,keadaan politik di malaysia,suasana dlm parti memerintah,isu itu,isu ini dan sbgnya yg menarik minat aku utk membaca blog2 mereka ini.
kini aku sedar bahawa kebebasan untuk bersuara bagi seluruh rakyat disekat seperti yg di alami saudara rockybru.isu penggabungan nstp dgn utusan yg gagal ada sebabnya.teguran TDM ke atas kerajaan yg di terajui pengasas Islam Hadhari(kini aku tahu apa maknanya Islam Hadhari) yg di dapati terpesong dr perjuangan asal,sikap ahli2 politik yg bermuka tembok serta cakap tak serupa bikin,pembelian 'permainan' baru yg dikatakan terlalu mahal,kerajaan yg mengamalkn 'nepotism' atau kerajaan kroni bak kata sesetengah bloggers serta bermacam2 hal lg.
memang ramai yg tidak tahu perkara yg berlaku di seliling mereka kerana terpaksa membanting tulang utk bekerja utk mencari sesuap nasi utk keluarga dan diri sendiri.isu seperti kenaikan tol,kenaikan harga minyak,kenaikan harga barang2 keperluan sedikit sebanyak menjejaskan emosi mereka.ini bermakna mereka perlu bekerja lebih keras utk mencari rezeki yg HALAL.sedangkan mereka2 yg di atas tidak perlu risau kerana mereka telah dapat mengaut keuntungan di atas hasil usaha rakyat yg berpenat lelah membanting tulang empat kerat mereka serta tender2 yg yg telah dikatakan terlepas kepada pihak lain(isu 85% tender utk kontraktor kelas F Melayu).
sebagai salah seorang daripada generasi baru yg bakal mengambil alih tugasan menjaga bumi malaysia bertuah ini,bakal pemimpin generasi aku mungkin akn menghadapi kesusahn utk mentadbir negara sekiranya generasi pentadbir negara sekarang lebih mementingkan kehendak serta nafsu masing2 tanpa memikirkan nasib rakyat2 yg telah memilih mereka.generasi pemimpin masa depan terpaksa membersihkan kotoran serta segala mcm jenis benda kotor yg ditinggalkan oleh pemimpin sebelum mereka.umpamanya kes TDM yg di gelar beruk menggongcang pokok,anjing yg menyalak bukit dan sebagainya.apakah ini panggilan yg berhak dilemparkan pada beliau terutamanya oleh mereka2 yg pernah berpihak pada dia ketika dia menjadi PM dahulu?bagaimana org ingin menghormati kita sekiranya kt tidak pandai menghormati org lain?buat saudara rockybru,teruskan perjuangan anda dan moga anda diberkati oleh-Nya.kita berani kerana benar,kita takut kerana kita salah.maafkan saya sekiranya apa yg tercatat dalam blog ini menyentuh sensitiviti sesetengah pihak.ini sekadar pendapat aku yg masih mentah dalam dunia ini.sesungguhnya yg baik datang dari Allah,segala kesilapan itu datang dari diri aku.sekali lagi aku memohon maaf.wassalam.
di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 02:23 0 orang memberikan pendapat
jenis politics maybe
Sunday, February 25, 2007
No Moderate Islam Practitioner Concepts
The concept of a moderate Muslim practitioner is a wrong thought because Islam herself is a moderate religion.Today,TDM ask people to stop saying that they are the moderate Muslim practitioner.He also said that there is no need to say we are a moderate Muslim as it will cause other people to think Muslims just follow half of the Islam teachings and the other half is considered as extreme.
"Islam is already moderate...there is no need for us to show that we're more liberal from other Muslims.We are not moderate Muslim,we practise the teaching of Islam and the teaching of Islam is already moderate.The truth is Islam is a moderate religion, so we don't need to state that we're the followers of moderate Islam.We're just the followers of Islam."TDM said during the launch of 45th Perkim Annual Grand Meeting.
He also stated that maybe the is extremist in Islam not because of the way of Islam,but because lack of understanding in the teaching of Islam and they maybe being used by certain people.As Muslim we need to get rid of the negative image about Islam because since the September 11 tragedy,the name of Islam is getting worse.When other people think about Islam,all in their mind is about terrorism,killers,hijackers,kidnappers,extremist etc.This will make the effort to spread the theaching of Islam all over the world become more difficult as people will think this religion is not for those who want to succes.
TDM also said that a clear and true view about Islam must be show as Islam is not a religion that's against development.We must show that Islam is not a problem for Muslims to achieve their goals.
(for more info click here)
Extra Info
Below is a bit information about Palestine especially Al-Aqsa Mosque and The Dome Of Rock.Because many of people around the world didn't know the truth about both mosque.The Zionis regime always show the world the picture of a mosque with a golden dome and said that it is al-Aqsa.But the fact is wrong.The mosque with the golden dome is The Dome of Rock and the mosque to the south of it is the al-Aqsa mosque.Because sharing is caring...
The Dome of Rock
Al-Aqsa Mosque

di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 08:43 0 orang memberikan pendapat
jenis religious
Saturday, February 24, 2007
menara gadingku yg sucksss!!!
open of new trimester on late Jan..gladly result superb...hahaha...still can't reg my subject coz didn't see my advisor...it's ok la its my fault...
but i went to class from 1st week...it's ok la for me coz i'm a lazy snake and sleepers...a lot of morning class...but i still make it to class...went to lecture...smp jd group leader...hahaha...
yg aku tak paham,bila nk add subject manual,fakulti xbg...apejadah...!!!dia kata sila baca notis kat kaunter..."All Student Are Not Allowed To Register Subject From Week 3 Onward"...some sort like that la...really piss me off...apasal tak letak dlm bulletin board benda penting mcm tu...siap ckp tu masalah student...kepal otak dia!!!dh bgtau reason kt pon still ckp salah kita...mcm haram...
time org nk belajar,xmo tolong...time kt mls time tu la terhegeh2 nk offer masuk blk...i'm not a bright student honestly...but i'm not a loser...kaki terminte,kaki extend tu aku la...tp time kt masih fresh n semangat nk belajar bnd mcm ni blh berlaku...mane tak down...series la aku mmg patah semangat nk blaja sem ni...dr plan 7 subjek yg core...aku dpt reg 2 subjek je,tu pon online...bila bgtau yg aku xdpt reg online then kene manual bnd mcm ni plak hapen...down to earth la...bkn aku sorang la...ramai lg student yg kene...terkial2 member psl xtau...alasan dia 'kenapa xdtg fakulti awal2?'...tu je alasan dia...then salahkn student sbb xpeka...
next time,benda2 penting mcm tu upload kat bulletin board...biar semua student tahu...bknnya susah...kata pelbagai media,guna la segala medai yg ada...kami bayar yuran mahal2 sbb nk belajar bknnya nk bazir masa kat sini...
di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 10:41 3 orang memberikan pendapat
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hepi Holiday n Happy Chinese New Year
In MMU,it's midterm break already for 1 week.It'll be a boring week since i'm not going home.Alone again in Cyberia.Also wanna wish all people in Malaysia especially Chinese people a very Happy Chinese New Year...Gong Xi Fa Chai.
di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 19:37 0 orang memberikan pendapat
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Ibu Gayong dan juga pengerusi Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia,Cikgu Siti Khalsom binti Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman telah pergi meninggalkan kita anak² gayong buat selamanya pada 6 Februari 2007.Semoga roh beliau dirahmati Allah S.W.T. atas jasa2 serta kebaikan yang pernah beliau lakukan...al-fatihah.
di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 00:23 0 orang memberikan pendapat
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
War Criminal - No Place For You
As we all know nowaday,situation in Iraq is still uncertain.Death toll is increasing day by day.Not only to the Iraqi peple,also the invaders army from U.S.The last time i know is about more than 3000 of their soldier were killed in action or other reasons.
"People should use their power and make leaders found guilty by the War Crimes Tribunal “unwelcome wherever they go”, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said during his speech at the Expose War Crimes – Criminalise War Conference yesterday.TDM is one true great leader.He is one of the leader from the third world who is brave enough to express his feeling towards the world police leader George W.Bush and his assistant,prime minister of Great Britain,Tony Blair.TDM also said both of them should be known in history as child killer instead of great leader.
" Dr Mahathir noted that while the suicide pilots in the Sept 11, 2001, terror attack on the United States killed 3,000 people, 600,000 Afghans and Iraqis have been killed and continue to be killed by their “powerful oppressors” (the West) ".This is a fact as the death toll in both country is increasing everyday due to civil war.Who should be blame when this thing happen?Is it the fault of the people or the invaders who act as world police in order to restore peace in those country.It is clear that both country,The United S*** of America and their counterpart,the U.K are the true criminal for bringing disorder in every country that they said they want to 'help'.As far as we can see,the situation there is not changing for the better,but more to worse.
"The United States would have demonised Buddhists if the land they inhabited had oil, a professor of economics said.
Ottawa University's Prof Michael Chossudovsky said the war on Iraq was actually a war of conquest to confiscate and control oil reserves.
He added that three-quarters of the oil reserves were in Muslim lands and only 4% was in Western countries, with the United States having 2%.
“If oil had been found in the lands inhabited by Buddhists, the United States would have demonised them to get control of the resource. The war on terror is a fabrication,” he said yesterday at the Expose War Crimes – Criminalise War conference organised by Perdana Global Peace Organisation" picked from the The Star today on 6th Feb 07. It is of course,the U.S want to get more wealth and money into their treasury to support the logistical aspect of every war that they need.So we ourself can think the truth about their purpose on so called 'operation iraqi freedom' almost 3 years ago.To the hell with that bullshit!!!
This two war criminal of the century should be brought to the international court and charges for the massacre that the had done.This should be a guideline for future leaders not to follow their footsteps.Lets us hope for a better future for this world.A beeter future for the future generations to live.A beeter place to live with.There is no religion in this world that teach its followers to kill each other.PEACE FOR ALL....
di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 22:10 0 orang memberikan pendapat
Friday, February 02, 2007
What's Happening???
Well today i went out with some friends...Lepaking at Alamanda as usual...well,where else to go in Cyberjaya? During dinner at 9,we watch television.It's about 999 at TV3...lot of thing happening around here in Malaysia.
As other people outside know,Malaysia is a peacefull,warmth feeling country.But the fact is,crimes is everywhere.Murder,kidnapping,prostitution,drug addict etc is becoming worse nowadays.Is it because of the mistake of the parent,weakness in police force or any other reasons?
Before this,news about snatchers is almost written everyday in newspaper.It's a serious problem back then.Some victim were killed or dead because of this criminals action.Ranging from working people,women even old folks is a target for them.
That's mean Malaysia is not what the people outside this country know or hear.The fact is,crime in Malaysia is quite bad.Let's pray for the peace and safetyness from everything,crime,disaster,flood,WAR and everything else.Let's all make this country a safe place for everyone.I'm proud to be Malaysian and i love this country.KERANAMU MALAYSIA!!!!
di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 01:17 0 orang memberikan pendapat
jenis Opinion maybe
Thursday, February 01, 2007
price of the oil..will be reduced or being increased again?
this is what iread in newspaper today as stated by NTR during interview...
"NTR said the government would monitor trends in global oil prices during the period before making any decision on the local fuel price.
However, he made clear that there was no guarantee of a price reduction after a review was done.
"We will review it. (But) do not misconstrue it to mean that we will lower fuel prices. A review does not mean that we will reduce prices.
"It is up to the Cabinet to decide. It is a question of our judgment on the matter,"
"According to the New York Mercantile Exchange, the price of crude oil paused at US$54 (RM189) a barrel on Monday as traders expected a rise in crude oil inventories in the United States.
On how a reduction in fuel prices would affect government finances, he said subsidies on fuel would remain high.
In February last year, the government announced a 30-sen hike in the prices of petrol and diesel to RM1.92 and RM1.58 per litre respectively, and the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to RM1.75 per kg."
So...what do you think about it?Will the price of oil will be reduced or the price will be increased again?Perhaps after the general election.If i'm not mistaken by the end of 2007.Hopefully the goverment will reduced the price to help the people in Malaysia.
di blog oleh soldadu musim salju pada pukul 03:36 0 orang memberikan pendapat
jenis Politics perhaps....