Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tagged by Mizzterygurl...

Always hoping NOT TO BE TAGGED...but finally I've been tagged by my buddy...It's a game and I need to play along since I've been tagged...

Rules & Regulations:
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!"

Weird things about snow_soldier

1)I love to stay up till late in the morning. In easy way,I got insomnia. I will do anything to fill the gap between the time till it's time I fell sleepy.Especially the time is around 7 or 730 in the morning.

2)When people ask me something, I will go another way rather than answer the question directly. It's just like you want to go Kajang,but you took the route to Cyberjaya then t o Sre Kembangan than you go to Kajang. Easy word, not answering the question.

3)Blurry. Sometimes i can get blur.Regardless the time, when the time come, I will automatically become blur. Speechless and and become statue.

4)I'm quite a shy person. At one time you can see me love to talk, but if a stranger joining the club, you can barely hear my voice. Specially towards girl that I didn't know.

5)I'm the smallest one in my family (is it weird thing...hentam je la labu). My other siblings is bigger than me. Even my younger sister (now in standard 3) is almost as big as me and almost as tall as me. But people say being small is easy.I don't know about that.

6)I love to eat. Anytime and anywhere, I'm easy to get hungry.But sadly,my body is hard to become fat and tall.Even I'm already eat, in just an hour or two,I'll become hungry again.

Seriously, I'm out of idea to talk about me. I'm trying my best to finish this off.Those who want to add about me,you can add what you want. Better only a good one la. Baru best sket...ngahahahaha.Alright, I'm out of here. Roger and out.

Monday, April 23, 2007

23rd April

Hepi Birthday to myself.Now u're getting old.So,sedar2 la diri tu dh makin bertambah usia.Semoga dirahmati Allah selalu dan ceria2 selalu.Lupakan yg lama,hidup mesti diteruskan.Masih banyak lagi cabaran yg menanti di depan.Semoga berjaya dalam hidup dan ceria selalu.Ahahahaha...

p/s:tak pernah dibuat orang..mengewish diri sendiri..ahahahaha...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Journey To Melaka

Just came back from melaka for Malam Jalinan Pendekar 06/07. Go there with cikgu riki around 530 pm today. Ada majlis makan2 n menghiburkan diri kat sana...Lama tak jumpa kak jaja,kak husna,kak fiza,kak no'on. Unfortunately,kak no'on wasn't there. Ramai la jugak anak2 gayong baru yg join the club. Walopon xramai (as usual),tapi suasana agak meriah. Ramai la jugak senior2 gayong yg turun padang. Abg kidir,abg amat,abg pian,abag ajis,abg syafiq,abg riki etc. Wakil dari gayong cyber hanya aku dgn zul jer.

Macam biasa la,Cikgu Ismail as YDP Gayong Melaka ada,kak yam,cikgu zamir pon ada. Siap ada life band lagi yg perform.Food was very best, siap ada seafood lagi...hehehehe. Sume org dah besar2 dh,ada yg dh grad,nk grad,masih blaja. Best gak bila kumpul balik ramai2 mcm ni. ada la a few pic that i capture.

InsyaAllah, majlis macam ni akan terus di adakan utk tahun2 akn datang. Selagi berdaya aku akn terus sapot persatuan silat seni gayong MMU tak kira melaka atau cyber. Bila nk kumpul ramai2 melainkan ada majlis macam ni.Gua beransur dulu.Mau tidur.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Money Making University 2

Those who can't settle their tuition fees won't be allowed to take final exam.What the heck?Before this,there will be a discussion session between the Finance Unit and the students regarding tuition fees.But this trimester 3, all have changed. Give us some explanation please. Reading bulletin board on 19th April,those who can't settle their tuition fees will not be allowed to seat for final exam ( here). Pity for those who can't settle their tuition fees right on time.

After jumaat prayer today, on the way to the bank, already some student queue in front of the finance counter. I bet next week,campus CIMB bank will be crowded with local and international student that want to settle their fees. The counter at finance will also be crowded.Unfortunately, there is only 1 counter at the finance to serve about a couple of thousands of mmu student.

This new rule will automatically will put some student into trouble. Not all students in MMU come from rich family,sponsored by PTPTN or MARA or Telekom etc. Usually, they will allow us to take the exam, but can't register subject for next sem unless you pay the fees. There is already some cases that some student can't continue their studies because of money problem.

Can't the university be more tolerate with this student?It's not that they didn't want to pay the fees,but they have their own difficulties. For your info (specially not the MMUians) one subject is about Rm700++,so if take 6 or 7 subject,your fess will be around rm 4000++. It's the same amount of my mother salary as a teacher. It's a fact that MMU is a IPTS. People will say that no wonder la the fees is so expensive.

One more thins is about the attendance.Below 75% you will be automatically barred by the system from taking final exam. It's a good things on the bright side. But sometimes there is some error regarding the system. Some are from human factor specially the lecterur and tutor and some are the technology error.Sometimes,if you go to every class,your attendance will still be red.Either the lecterur didn't update the attendance or the system is facing problem.

Last but not least,perhaps the university should be more tolerant towards the students.Hope the SRC (Student Representative Council) will play their role more actively because they were selected to represent the students to fight for their right.For all the students,the final exam is just around the corner. Starting from 14th May till 27the May if i'm not mistaken.The best of luck to all and all the best.Berusahalah MMU.....!!!!

Erti Bacaan Talkin

Maksud (dalam RUMI) talkin yang selalu dibaca utk orang ygmeninggal
dunia.Masa baca tu, sebut2lah nama sendiri yer...., kalau tak terasa meremang,
sama2lah kita lebihkan amal ibadat. Bukanlah perkara yang mudah setelah
mambaca atau menghafalnya begitu sahaja sesungguhnya hanya amalan baik
yg kita lakukan selama hidup di dunia yg akan menjadi penyelamat,InsyaAllah..


Bismillah hir rah man nir rahim.

Mahasuci Tuhan yang Engkau bersifat dengan Baqa' dan Qidam, Tuhan yang
berkuasa mematikan sekalian yang bernyawa, Mahasuci Tuhan yang
menjadikan mati dan hidup untuk menguji siapa yang baik dan siapa yang

Mahasuci Tuhan yang menjadikan lubang kubur sebesar-besar pengajaran
untukmenjadi iktibar kepada orang yang lalai, dan sebesar-besar amaran kepada
orang yang masih hidup.

Ingatlah! Bahawa sekalian mahluk Allah akan jahanam dan binasa,melainkan
zat Allah Taala. Ialah Tuhan yang Mahabesar kuasa menghukum, manakala
kita sekalian akan kembali menghadap hadirat Allah Taala.

Wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, wahai SAYA Bin IBU
hendaklah kamu ingat akan janji-janji Allah yang mana kamu ada bawa
bersama-sama dari dunia ini.Sekarang kamu telah menuju masuk ke negeri Akhirat.
Kamu telah mengaku bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembah dengan
sebenar-benarnya melainkan Allah, dan bahawa senya Nabi Muhammad itu Pesuruh Allah.

Ingatlah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, apabila datang kepada kamu 2 orang
malaikat yang serupa dengan kamu iaitu Mungkar dan Nakir, maka janganlah
berasa gentar dan takut, janganlah kamu berdukacita dan risau serta
janganlah kamu susah-hati dan terkejut.

Ketahuilah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, bahawasanya Mungkar dan Nakir itu
hamba Allah Taala, sebagaimana kamu juga hamba Allah Taala.Apabila mereka menyuruh kamu duduk, mereka juga akan menyoal kamu.

Mereka berkata:

Siapakah Tuhan kamu?
Siapakah Nabi kamu?
Apakah agama kamu?
Apakah kiblat kamu?
Siapakah saudara kamu?
Apakah pegangan iktikad kamu?
Dan apakah kalimah yang kamu bawa bersama-sama kamu?

Di masa itu hendaklah kamu menjawab soalan-soalan mereka dengan cermat
dan sehabis-habis terang, tepat dan betul.Janganlah berasa gementar, janganlah cuak dan janganlah bergopoh-gapah,
biarlah tenang dan berhati-hati.

Hendaklah kamu jawab begini:

Allah Taala Tuhanku,
Muhammad nabiku,
Islam agamaku,
Kitab suci Al-Quran ikutanku,
Baitullah itu qiblatku, malahan solah lima waktu, puasa di bulan
ramadhan,mengeluark an zakat dan mengerjakan haji diwajibkan ke atas
aku.Semua orang Islam dan orang yang beriman adalah saudara aku, bahkan
dari masa hidup hingga aku mati aku mengucap: "La ila ha illallah
Muhammaddur rasulullah".

Wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA tetapkanlah hatimu, inilah dia suatu dugaan yang
paling besar. Ingatlah bahawa kamu sekarang sedang tinggal didalam alam
Barzakh, sehingga sampai satu masa kelak, kamu akan dibangunkan semula
untuk berkumpul di Padang Mahsyar.

Insaflah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, bahawa senya mati ini adalah benar,
soalan malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir di dalam kubur ini adalah benar,bangun
dari kubur kemudian kita dihidupkan semula adalah benar,berkumpul dan
berhimpun di Padang Mahsyar adalah benar, dihisab dan dikira segala
amalan kamu adalah benar, minum di kolam air nabi adalah benar, ada syurga dan
neraka adalah benar.

Bahawa senya hari Kiamat tetap akan adanya, begitu juga Tuhan yang maha
berkuasa akan membangkitkan semula orang-orang yang di dalam kubur.

Di akhirnya kami ucapkan selamat berpisah dan selamat tinggal kamu
Allah Taala.

Semoga Tuhan akan memberi sejahtera kepada kamu. Tuhan jua yang menetapkan hati kamu. Kami sekalian berdoa mudah mudahan Allah Taala menjinakkan hati kamu yang liar, dan Allah menaruh belas kasihan kepada kamu yang berdagang seorang diri di dalam kubur ini.Mudah-mudahan Tuhan akan memberi keampunan dan memaafkan kesalahan kamu serta menerima segala amal kebajikan kamu.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan, kami merayu dan bermohon kepada Mu supaya tidak
disiksa mayat ini dengan kemegahan penghulu kami Muhammad SAW.

Subhana rabbika rabbil izati amma ya sifun wassallamu alalmursalinwalham dulillahi rabbil alamin.

Setiap yang bernafas, Pasti akan Mati - "Kullu nafsin za iqatul maut"

Firman Allah swt, "Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar
berada di dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh,
yang ingat-mengingati supaya mentaati kebenaran, dan yang ingat-mengingati
dengan kesabaran." Surah Al-A'sr .

Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr R.A, Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: "Sampaikanlah
pesanku walaupun satu ayat..."

Disebutkan didalam satu riwayat, bahawasanya apabila para makhluk
dibangkitkan dari kubur, mereka semuanya berdiri tegak di kubur
"masing-masing selama 44 tahun UMUR AKHIRAT dalam keadaan TIDAK MAKAN"
dan TIDAK MINUM, TIDAK DUDUK dan TIDAK BERCAKAP.Bertanya orang kepada Rasulullah saw : "Bagaimana kita dapat mengenali ORANG-ORANG MUKMIN kelak di hari qiamat?"
Maka jawabnya Rasulullah saw "Umat dikenal kerana WAJAH mereka putih
disebabkan oleh WUDHU'."

Bila qiamat datang maka malaikat datang ke kubur orang mukmin sambil
membersihkan debu di badan mereka KECUALI pada tempat sujud. Bekas SUJUD
tidak dihilangkan. Maka memanggillah dari zat yang memanggil. Bukanlah
debu itu dari debu kubur mereka, akan tetapi debu itu ialah debu KEIMANAN"
mereka. Oleh itu tinggallah debu itu sehingga mereka melalui titian"
Siratul Mustaqim dan memasuki alam syurga, sehingga setiap orang melihat

para mukmin itu mengetahui bahawa mereka adalah pelayan Ku dan
hamba-hambaKu.Disebutkan oleh hadith Rasulullah saw bahawa sepuluh orang yang
mayatnya TIDAK BUSUK dan TIDAK REPUT dan akan bangkit dalam tubuh asal diwaktu
mati :

1. Para Nabi
2. Para Ahli Jihad
3. Para Alim Ulama
4. Para Syuhada
5. Para Penghafal Al Quran
6. Imam atau Pemimpin yang Adil
7. Tukang Azan
8 . Wanita yang mati kelahiran/beranak
9. Orang mati dibunuh atau dianiaya
10. Orang yang mati di siang hari atau di malam Jumaat jika mereka itu
dari kalangan orang yang beriman.

Didalam satu riwayat yang lain dari Jabir bin Abdullah ra sabda Rasulullah saw:
Apabila datang hari qiamat dan orang orang yang berada di dalam kubur
dibangkitkan maka Allah swt memberi wahyu kepada Malaikat Ridhwan:

" Wahai Ridhwan , sesungguhnya Aku telah mengeluarkan hamba-hamba Ku
berpuasa ( ahli puasa ) dari kubur mereka di dalam keadaan letih dan

Maka ambillah dan berikan mereka segala makanan yang digoreng dan buah
buahan syurga.

"Maka Malaikat Ridhwan menyeru, wahai sekelian kawan-kawan dan semua
anak-anak yang belum baligh, lalu mereka semua datang dengan membawa
dari nur dan berhimpun dekat Malaikat Ridhwan bersama dulang yang penuh
dengan buahan dan minuman yang lazat dari syurga dengan sangat banyak
melebihi daun-daun kayu di bumi.

Jika Malaikat Ridhwan berjumpa mukmin maka dia memberi makanan itu
mereka sambil mengucap sebagaiman yang difirman oleh Allah swt di dalam
Surah Al-Haqqah bermaksud

"Makan dan minumlah dengan sedap disebabkan AMAL yang telah kamu
pada HARI yang telah LALU itu."

Monday, April 16, 2007

Money Making University

I haven't update this blog about 2 weeks.Part of it is my fault and also a bit busy on the assignment and classes. When I open my blog and surfing certain blog that I always read, I came across 2 posting that attract me to start posting again. It's about my beloved university, Multimedia University (MMU).

It's about the record breaking and creating new record in the Malaysian's Book of Records by MMU. Although I'm from this university, I'm more to the event that involves music and martial because I'm the member of MMUsic and Silat Gayong mainly besides of MMRC. I know that something big is happen around, but it's seems can't attract me. At this moment there is some event that called Foods Festival around the campus if I'm not mistaken. On 18th of April, there will be GEMA, a concert that same ase talentime is around the corner. Reading rocky's bru and SK Thew post on 13th April about MMU and the complain about the longest kebab event.

It seems MMU is famous after all. The record of making the longest kebab is one of the achievement by this university. I didn't know that the cost to make the longest kebab in Malaysia is around RM24,000!!! Hell yeah it shocked me. I didn't know that it cost so much. Another record that had been created by MMU is longest dodol cooking,creating MMU logo by 1cent coin, the longest played Saidina games and many more. According to this blog, MMU had created about 13 record from 2001 to 2007. It's a great achievement for this university I guess so. The latest that I aware, MMU is on the 1338th places in top 3000 universities in the world (here).

Perhaps it's one of the way to make Multimedia University more recognizable in Malaysia and around the world. But the thing that highlighted here is about the amount of money spent.For the Cyberjaya campus especially, the living cost here is a bit high for average earning family of a student.Well,maybe this university is situated in a new developed area. But recently, rumors said that the hostel fees will be increased. Most of the students that stay in the hostel is from the middle class family. Even though there are apartment around the university such as Townhouse, Cyberia Condominium and other places, the rent is quite high.

I'm not criticizing the SRC, STAD of the university itself, but the amount of money spent on certain event is a bit high and too much. Perhaps we just need to give other universities to create the other records since MMU had already created about 13 records.

Below is a few suggestion from me as a student from MMU :-
1)Why not used the money to build a safer roadway and more light around the road to campus? Since some cases that involved the student of this univ that had been robbed by foreigners.
2)Improve the conditions of the hostels.Some of the toilet in hostels is not fully functioning. Replaced the old double decker bed and old equipment in the hostel room.
3)Organized a dinner for orphans and those who needed help.It is the most suitable way to use the money ;)
4)Try to improve the conditions of the old lecture rooms. Sometimes some of the equipment in FET and FIT is not functioning very well.
5)Make the surau more big since the surau in MMU is the nearest for all workers and student to perform Jumaat prayer. Every time the surau is crowded with muslimin to perform the Jumaat prayer.

It's all that I can think at this time.It's late already, I'm off to bed. I hope MMU will be amongst the most recognizable university in Malaysia and in the world. All the best for all student and 'Berusahalah MMU"!!!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

I Need A Holiday!!!!

It has been a long time since I went on vacation.If I'm not mistaken,last 2 or 3 years is my last vacation.That time I went to Ulu Yam to celebrate my birthday with my friends.It's been quite a time since then.A lot of things had happen between this period.Now it's already in April 2007,I really need a vacation.I really need one!!!
My family is not the type to hang around together.My last family vacation if i'm not mistaken is 6@7 years ago.Damn,what a long time.Now things is getting worse since my parent had separate.I didn't know when our family will have another vacation together?Perhaps when i've finish my study in 1 and half year.
A life as a student is quite busy i guess.A lot of assignment,test,group work blablabla..and so on so on seems never finish.Well,thats the challenge as a student.I have and must face it until i finish my study.
We'll,right now i just need a break.Release all the messy things in my head.Forget someone in my mind.Defrag my system of thinking.I just need a vacation.On my list and on my mind is:
1)Phuket ISland.
2)Redang Island.
3)Ledang Mountain
4)Japan (hahahaha)

and the list go on.